How to Use the Japan Trip Cost Calculator
Planning a trip to Japan? Use our Japan trip cost calculator to estimate your travel expenses quickly and easily. Here’s how:
1. Flight Cost: Choose a standard or business class flight, or enter a custom amount to match your budget.
2. Number of Travelers: Enter the number of people traveling with you.
3. Length of Stay: Input the total number of days for your Japan trip.
4. Accommodation Type: Select from budget, mid-range, or luxury options to calculate nightly costs.
5. Transportation (JR Pass): Pick the appropriate JR Pass for your trip duration—7, 14, or 21 days.
6. Meal Budget: Choose your daily meal expense based on your dining preferences.
7. Souvenirs/Shopping: Estimate shopping expenses with options for different spending levels.
8. Guided Tours: Enter the number of days you plan to book guided tours.
9. Additional Activities: Add any other activities or tours to get a comprehensive trip cost estimate.
Click “Calculate” to see your total Japan trip cost, with a detailed breakdown of expenses. This tool is a rough estimation tool for you to have a general overview on the upcoming journey. Real costs may vary depending on the options you choose or add.
To read more about how you can get prepared for your journey, check out our Trip Planner section.